About Us

Our Purpose

At Saga, we recognize the transformative potential of AI, particularly in the realm of the humanities. We are committed to harnessing this potential to revolutionize teaching, learning, research, and service in the humanities. Saga is dedicated to exploring and utilizing the capabilities of AI to open new frontiers in academic inquiry and knowledge dissemination.

We Build Innovative Systems

Our goal is to develop pioneering AI systems that are not only technologically advanced but also culturally and linguistically competent. We engage in cutting-edge research, apply diverse safety and ethical standards, and implement our innovations across various platforms, fostering collaboration in the field of Humanities.

Innovation as a Discipline

We approach the integration of AI into the humanities as a rigorous discipline, continually conducting research, applying these findings to our initiatives, and refining our approach through constant feedback. Our commitment extends to sharing our discoveries and methodologies with the academic community and beyond.

Interdisciplinary and Diverse

Saga invites an eclectic mix of linguists, literature experts, technologists, and innovators from a multitude of backgrounds. This diversity fuels our creativity and drives our mission to bring AI into the service of the Humanities in novel and impactful ways.

Pioneers in a Collaborative Landscape

We view AI as a tool that can fundamentally redefine the landscape of the humanities. Saga positions itself as an integral part of this evolving ecosystem. We actively seek collaboration with other academic departments, tech companies, and cultural organizations to promote a comprehensive and ethical approach to AI in the humanities.

Our Culture

Dedicated to Innovation in the Humanities
At Saga, our core mission is to integrate AI into the humanities to enhance teaching, learning, and research. We acknowledge the rapid advancements in AI and are committed to exploring these frontiers responsibly. Our work involves not just developing innovative systems, but also understanding their implications, ensuring responsible deployment, and sharing our insights with the academic community. We actively seek collaboration with like-minded individuals and organizations who share our vision.

Fostering a Supportive Environment
Our team thrives in an environment of high trust and support. We believe in nurturing each other's strengths, celebrating every win, and collectively overcoming challenges. We value emotional maturity, intellectual openness, and the assumption of good faith in all our interactions. This ethos of support and trust empowers us to achieve more together than we could individually.

Unified in Our Diversity
Collaboration and diversity are the bedrocks of our team. Though we may have various subgroups within Saga, we are united in our overarching goal of advancing AI in the humanities. Our leadership provides direction while valuing input from all team members. We encourage cross-disciplinary involvement, allowing individuals to contribute their unique perspectives and skills to various projects.

Pragmatism and Empiricism in Our Approach
We value the simplicity and effectiveness of practical solutions. Our approach is characterized by pragmatism—acknowledging trade-offs and focusing on sensible, practical outcomes. We embrace empiricism, learning through experience and experimentation. This mindset applies to our research, our collaborations, and our way of solving problems. We strive for clarity and openness in understanding and communicating our work.

The Team

We are a diverse group of researchers, linguists, technologists, and academic professionals. Our team brings together a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives, united in our mission to create AI systems that are not only advanced but also culturally aware and ethically grounded.

Academic Research

Our research team delves into the frontiers of AI within the humanities, exploring areas from computational linguistics to cultural data analysis. Our professors and undergraduate research assistants collaborate to investigate novel approaches and ethical considerations in AI applications, contributing valuable insights to both the academic and technological communities.

Policy and Advocacy

We are deeply aware of the societal implications of our work. Our team, comprised of scholars and students passionate about the intersection of technology and culture, actively engages in discussions with academic peers and the wider community. We strive to communicate the potential impacts of AI in the humanities, aiming to influence thoughtful and responsible integration of AI in educational and cultural contexts.

Educational Tools and Applications

We translate our research findings into practical applications that serve the broader academic community. Our efforts include developing AI-driven educational tools, digital archives, and language processing applications that assist in teaching, learning, and research in the humanities. These tools are crafted not just by technologists, but by those with a deep understanding and passion for literature, linguistics, and cultural studies.

Operations and Collaboration

As a small, dedicated team within an academic setting, our operations revolve around collaborative effort and shared passion. Faculty members and students alike contribute their diverse expertise and experiences, ranging from academic research to technical proficiency. This collaborative spirit fosters a rich, interdisciplinary environment where innovation thrives. Our team's commitment to the humanities and technology is what drives our research lab forward.